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To be successful, our event needs a dedicated team of volunteers who provide their skills, knowledge, contacts, and time. The following lists the various committee roles. Please review and should you decide to volunteer, please let us know so you can be invited to planning meetings.

# Committee Name Committee Roles/Responsibilities
1 Procurement Solicitors seeking auction acquisitions from the business community and private parties.
2 Audience Development Solicitors seeking sponsorships, table patrons, advertisers, and general invitees. Follow-up activities to determine status of RSVPs.
3 Venue Volunteers assigned to coordinate facility and catering details with venue.
4 Decorations Artistic volunteers to design table and room décor.
5 Technology Technologically-minded volunteers to ensure proper A/V support is employed for lighting, sound, and computer hook-ups.
6 Catalog Volunteers who review catalog draft and help write item descriptions.
7 Database Volunteer who enters data to track donations, attendees, and finances.
8 Publicity Volunteers who help promote event and ensure placement of news in community calendars, local newspaper, radio, and television.
9 Finance Volunteer who oversees budget distributions, oversees registration and check-out, and is responsible for bank deposits.
10 Security Volunteers who watch over inventory and assist auction activities.
11 Auction Set-Up and Clean-Up Volunteers who arrange auction displays and help take-down and clean-up on event day.
12 Volunteers Volunteers who coordinate training, assignments, and activities of volunteers.
13 Thank You Notes Volunteers who help send out thank you notes.
14 Odds and Ends Volunteers who tackle other miscellaneous items pre-, during, or post-event.
15 Patient Education / Public Awareness Volunteers with Medical Writing experience who can design patient education pamphlets and/or awareness literature about carcinoid cancer and related conditions.

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